Some call it the January Thaw. But mostly it is just winter here in New Hampshire and from time to time we have a breather where many people start thinking about spring coming early. Although we still have snow in the fields and the woods, you'll hear the revving of motorcycles on the roads. And you'll switch out a jacket for a lighter one.
But now it is February and we have had the day or two of warmer weather. Enjoyable as it was, more snow is on the way. And that's when the wildlife will come back to our yard, looking for corn, deer chow, and sunflower seeds mostly. The birds are still coming in daily but my guess is that some of the bugs have hatched since I've seen the woodpeckers cruising up and down the tree trunks, pecking on their way.
A special favorite bird of mine is the Cedar Waxwing. They usually show up in the winter and enjoy the berries on our holly bushes (the deer enjoy the holly bushes as well, but they prefer the leaves!) We also have a flowering tree out front that gives us a gorgeous showing of flowers in the spring and then a tree full of berries in the winter that the Cedar Waxwing enjoys, also, as they pass a berry from one Waxwing to the next. The ultimate in community sharing!
Although many more birds show up in the spring and summer to nest and raise their young, I can't imagine not seeing and enjoying the variety of wildlife we are privileged to enjoy in the winter months.
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