DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

Art and a Story

Over the years and with the many photos I've taken of wildlife and nature, sometimes there is a story. This is where I will feature art and the story that goes with it.

Summer Already?

Is it really that time again, already? And by 'that time' of course I mean summer. Well, officially not but unofficially we just had Memorial Day and the weather certainly has been heating up. And with it, all the birds are back and the nesting is in full swing! 

Read more: Summer Already?

Birds, Birds, Birds

During a recent early spring Nor'easter in my state, we were visited by more birds than I could count at one time. The two feet of snow covered the ground that, just days before, the many birds, several who were just returning to the area, found bugs that were just emerging, along with the daffodils, crocus, and other spring flowers. 

Read more: Birds, Birds, Birds

Koala - Eye Help Animals Series

The Koala - although many call it 'a bear' it isn't really a bear at all. A Koala is actually a marsupial, like a Kangaroo, which means their young are born immature and are carried in its mother's pouch. They stay here for 6-7 months drinking only their mother's milk until they can tolerate gumleaves which are toxic for most mammals.

Read more: Koala - Eye Help...

Horses as Neighbors

I love horses. It would surprise me if someone told me they hate horses. Even more so, I'm pretty sure this person would not be my friend. They are beautiful, strong, powerful yet graceful, their manes flowing as they run. How can anyone find a single flaw in such a gorgeous creature!

Read more: Horses as Neighbors

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