DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

Art and a Story

Presto-Chango - Now it Is Fall (almost)

And now it seems just like that, we are coming into fall, which happens to be my favorite time of the year, especially here in New Hampshire. The oppressing heat is gone, the cooler weather is coming in, which means sweaters and long drives to look at the foliage, plus nearly my own recipe book full of favorite soups and other dishes where I can actually put the oven on to cook a meal. 

Now I'm not rushing into winter, don't get me wrong. Fall is the weather I love and look forward to, particularly after this past summer that kept us mostly indoors with the air conditioning. We are enjoying the cooler mornings golfing and I'm looking forward to (electric) bike rides on paths in the woods, plus those walks among the brightly colored leaf changing trees. And maybe even a fire in the indoor as well as our outdoor fireplace. 

It is also a time to get back to some painting. My studio will be more comfortable without the air conditioning on and just a couple of open windows. I also plan on getting back to painting with a friend who was unable to paint while taking care of her ill husband. Since he has passed, she is also looking forward to getting together to paint. 

And then apple picking is right around the corner, I'm thinking one day next week. We have a favorite place that has so many varieties of apples, plus cider donuts and other yummy treats to buy. They are a short drive away and an amazing place to spend a few hours enjoying this beautiful state that we live in. 

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