DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

Art and a Story

Over the years and with the many photos I've taken of wildlife and nature, sometimes there is a story. This is where I will feature art and the story that goes with it.

Winter Birds

One of my favorite winter birds is the turkey. They usually come in flocks; we've had as many as nearly 50 come at one time. When this happens, it is usually 3 or 4 flocks coming together. With the ground covered by several inches of snow, they are hard-pressed to find any food to eat. So I give them some corn and maybe even throw in some black-oil sunflower seeds. They gratefully eat whatever I throw out to them since as ground-feeders, food is so scarce at this time. 

Read more: Winter Birds

Promoting Our Businesses

Some people who come to my websites might not be aware of all the other websites my husband Jim and I maintain. Two of them were created to help animals; one for wild life (  and the other for shelter animals ( So at this time I'm going to promote these sites by sharing a painting because they were founded by using my paintings that we've put on cards, t-shirts, mugs, canvas bags, and a few other items. You can find out more by visiting the websites above.

Read more: Promoting Our Businesses

Another Slate Painting - Fund Raiser

My second slate painting for the fund raiser that my friend Vynnie had at his gallery is of a beautiful farm cat. Jim and I went apple picking and waiting for us was the orchard's mouser. He followed us up and down the fields as we picked apples. In this pose he looked determined with his tail held high, walking at a good pace to keep up. When we stopped to pick he would lie down, keeping an eye on us while at the same time, dozing and relaxing on the gorgeous fall day. 

Read more: Another Slate Painting...

Coyote Neighbors

Often at night, especially when I just can't sleep, I hear, sometimes in the distance and other times close by, the howl and yelp of a coyote or a band of coyotes. I'm always happy to be in my house, along with my two small Pomeranians. 

Read more: Coyote Neighbors

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