Every year cars and buses loaded with tourists make their way to the state where I live. We have come to realize that Columbus Day weekend is NOT the time to go leaf-peeping. Instead we go either before that weekend or just after when the foliage in our area is still just beginning to show with some of it at peak color. It is a beautiful time of year and I never tire of the colors that surround my home and my neighborhood.
It is also a time for change. Since April my husband, Jim, and I have been golfing. He was even golfing every day (not on weekends, except the two weekends away that he has been participating in for many years now with friends he had when he was a kid). And although it is cooler out and I should continue to head to the golf course with him where we often see deer with their does and amazing foliage up and down the course, which is like a green carpet it is so well maintained, I'm done with golf. Jim will continue until closing day Nov 15. We do have a few weeks left of play but I'm ready to move on. Mostly to finish writing my latest novel.
And then the season will end and we will be into the holidays and winter with our beautiful landscapes in our woods covered with snow. But that's another blog a couple of months away. For now, I will continue to enjoy the glorious colors of fall when I look out my windows.
Buy "Fall in NH Country" painting by DJ Geribo
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