DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

Art and a Story

Over the years and with the many photos I've taken of wildlife and nature, sometimes there is a story. This is where I will feature art and the story that goes with it.

Balloon Flowers

Despite the extreme heat temperatures we are currently having, so many of my flowers still continue to bloom. They do need a daily water dosing; I was a bit lax in this area a week or so ago but I am now doing my best to keep all of our outdoor flowers watered, the ones on my back deck as well as the ones planted at the front of our house. I did neglect the ones out front and I can see a huge difference in the number of buds on, for example, the Lilies compared to the number I had last year. And many of the leaves have dried up which is another sign that they need more water.

Read more: Balloon Flowers

Who's Making All That Noise?

I love sitting on our deck, watching the birds, feeding the chipmunks, and enjoying the beautiful day. I was sitting out the other day when I suddenly heard all this chattering and crying and squawking! Not sure if it was a couple of chipmunks fighting over the seeds I supply them with, even though it didn't sound like chipmunks, I walked to the railing, looking at the ground for who could be making all that noise. 

Read more: Who's Making All That...

Summertime Is Calling

There is so much to be said for summertime. Although it isn't my favorite season, I do love seeing all the birds arrive and in a short time there are babies flying around and peeping everywhere, especially in all the nests and nest boxes on our property. I also love the sound of the frogs and peepers.

Read more: Summertime Is Calling

Visit From an Oriole

I heard the call, a single, clear note. And I knew the Orioles had arrived. I got a clementine, which I always have on hand because my Cockatoo loves them, found my orange hanger, and cutting a clementine in half, put it out for the Oriole. 

Read more: Visit From an Oriole

Summer Birds Are Back

Although I'm not fond of the summer heat (I will never move to Florida!) I am thrilled to see so many of our summer birds returning to our neighborhood. The Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds are one of my favorites along with the Orioles and the Bluebirds. We've also had visits from the Rose-breasted Grosbeak and of course the little 'campers', the American Goldfinch.

Read more: Summer Birds Are Back

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