We are deep into winter and it is proving to be a very snowy one, more than we've had in the past several years. And with it has come the cold, as well.
But since I'm someone who actually enjoys the 4 seasons we experience here in New England, I'm OK, mostly, with the snow and the cold. As long as it is warm in our house!
I worry about the animals, though, particularly on those bone-chilling nights. So I make sure that the birds have suet and sunflower seeds and that the turkeys and squirrels have corn. A group of deer have also spent a significant amount of time on our property, actually bedding down and napping in the sun a few afternoons. They've also helped themselves to any and all shrubs on our propperty, including my rhododendron that after planting it several years ago, actually bloomed for the 1st time last year. I'm hoping that all reports I've read that say they bounce back are true and I'll have even more flowers this year.
I also hope all of our wildlife can survive another month of this cold and snowy time of year.
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