Many people declare that 'summer is over' when it is the end of August and Labor day is just a few days away. Somehow the Labor day weekend has come to mean the end of summer in much the same way Memorial day weekend at the end of May is known as the beginning of summer.
I look to nature for the answers. The hummingbird, for example, does arrive around the beginning of June and I've noticed in the past that once September arrives, they are gone. They do have a long flight back to southern Mexico and Panama. The Great Blue Herons, the Orioles, and the Swans, are a few of the birds we won't see for awhile.
Fortunately we do have many other birds that stay here in New Hampshire year round. I have noticed over the past few years that the Bluebirds as well as the Cedar Waxwings remain through the winter months. And of course we have Turkeys, Crows, Blue Jays, Tufted Titmouse, Nuthatch, and Chickadees. Time to put the Woodpecker suet feeders out!
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