Fox Hunting, although only 18x24, feels like a bigger painting. It is taking me as long to finish this piece as it is to finish the 30x40 paintings. Today I noticed my Fox was looking a little too realistic and I knew he needed something. I stood back, looked from all angles, and realized he was too blah, he needed more colors. So, I added colors. You might think I'm making a statement, and I very well may be, but I believe art should be interpreted by the viewer. I have my interpretation and it may be completely dfferent from what you are thinking. All that matters is, does it speak to you? If it does, great! I'm happy. If it speaks to you so strongly that you have to have it, even better. I paint what I love, what I feel passion for, and it comforts me to know that there are others who feel exactly the same, who see my fox, in all its glorious colors, as so beautiful, so alive.

I'm not yet finish but I'm close. I have a few more changes to make to the foxes coat, and also the bare shrubs coming up through the snow - are they looking a little too uniform? Yes, they are! I just wanted to get them in place and my next step will be to add other colors to them. But they are in the background so I'm not going to spend too much time. I am happy with the shadows around them, though. I had very start shadows and knew they would not work. Then I kept adding white until I got the right blend of white for the snow and bluish purple for the shadows. I love that combination for shadow: Dioxazine Purple, Prussian Blue, and Titanium White. Makes a very striking shadow, especially on the snow.
My final blog for this painting will be entered sometime in the next week. Stay tuned!
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