DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

On My Easel

Mini Cow Painting

mini cow painting in oils - unfinished - by artist DJ Geribo   I've been spending a lot of time preparing for a solo show I am having at the Libby Museum in Wolfeboro, NH. My theme is 'Animals' meaning mostly wild ones but I will probably also put in a couple domestic animal paintings, also.

   One painting I am currently working on is a 3"x5" oil of two cows standing next to a pond. I've been painting with acrylics a lot lately and have forgotten how long you have to wait to continue working on an oil painting. Although I'm enjoying working on this piece (to be honest I enjoying working on any painting) it will probably end up taking me as much time as it would take to paint an 8"x10" or 11"x14". I'm getting impatient and if I don't wait, the black is smearing into the white and so I have to redo the white and then wait a few days. With that said, I don't think I'll have any other mini paintings in this show, unless I paint them in acrylics!



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