The Lion, that most majestic of animals, in general lives a quiet life and wants to be left alone by humans, as do the majority of wild animals. But we can't seem to do anything but abuse and exploit any and all wildlife that shares this planet with us.
Someone I know once said that 'man has dominion over the animals' which sounded to me like he believed we could do what we wanted with them whether that meant killing them for meat or simply killing them and attaching their heads to a board to hang on our walls. We 'owned' them. But since he was talking about the bible and I have little use for the bible except to read it as a fairy tale of sorts, I believe, if the bible is as just as it pretends to be (not to women, of course) it means that mankind is the caretaker of all wildlife and therefore it is our duty to learn to live in harmony with all the wildlife that shares this planet with us. But that's my interpretation; he obviously would disagree.
I don't think anyone would deny that the Lion is a most majestic animal. But in just two decades their population decreased by 43% with humans being their only predator. I've said it before but it needs repeating; wildlife, all of wildlife, would survive so much better without humans. But we cannot survive without them. We need to wake up before it is too late. Of course, I have no hope for the person who believes, still, that dominion over the animals means we can shoot to kill until they are extinct. If we don't do something soon to change their situation, it may happen sooner than we can imagine.
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