DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

On My Easel

Pastel Water and Reflection

images/article-images/blog-pastel-reflections.jpgThis is a pastel I've been working on, but it seems more often I'm not working on it. I do like the effects I'm creating so far, and the color choices I've made (such as the pinks on the birch tree). I believe the colors we use are personal and reflect the voice we want to shout to the world. Some new artists are quiet and insecure and stick to "the real" colors (brown tree trunks, green leaves, blue sky). Although these are the colors we were taught long ago are true colors, when we become the artists we are supposed to be and find our real voice, then we will use pinks in trees and oranges in water reflections. This is what has been the most appealing about painting, exploring the world of color in my paintings as I become more confident with the choices I make.

It has been sitting here on my pastel table, patiently waiting for more attention. I'm ready to finish it up (besides, it's on my 2012 goal list - complete this pastel!).

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