DJ Geribo

Fine Artist

On My Easel

My Sweetest and Tiniest Girl

Not a day goes by that I don't think about my tiniest Pomeranian, Binka, at least once. And with her memories come the tears. I miss this little girl, who passed way before her time, everyday. Even though it has been more than 10 years it still feels like it was just yesterday that I lost her. 

And now it is way past time that I honor her by doing a series of mini paintings of the sweetest Pom ever. This is the first one, Binka on the front porch next to a pot of Begonias. She is the quintessential Pomeranian with her calm and gentle spirit. Although some artists shy away from painting a black animal, I have now had much experience with her coloring and know that there are other colors, besides black, in her fur. 

I love my little girl and always will. 

I'm doing a series of small pastels featuring Binka - 3"x5"; this is the first. It is 90% complete with some more touching up to do. 

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